Symmetry Partners Blog

Why Does Your Advisory Firm Need OCIO Services?

Written by Nan Price | May 14, 2024 12:00:00 PM

To keep pace with rapidly changing markets, ever-changing regulations, and competitors, it’s imperative that Financial Advisors take a strategic approach to investment management.

Advisors trying to grow their firms can be overwhelmed with multitasking—prospecting and marketing while simultaneously providing financial and tax planning services and managing client portfolios.

Balancing these tasks alongside compliance and regulatory obligations creates additional challenges.

As a solution, more and more Advisors are adopting Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) services, which can provide strategic investment advice and oversee a firm’s investment management, asset allocation, and due diligence (including risk management).


The factors driving the decision to engage OCIO services vary among firms; however, some leading drivers include:

OCIO services can boost your firm’s capabilities and business oversight by allowing you to offload operational burdens and focus on organic growth and client-centric initiatives.

OCIOs offer invaluable expertise, providing access to niche markets, alternative asset classes, and innovative investment strategies that might otherwise be inaccessible to your firm.

The economies of scale inherent in OCIO partnerships can help maximize returns and minimize expenses, boosting profits and enhancing the value you provide clients.

Traditional advisory firms often lack the resources to vet investment opportunities—or respond quickly and decisively. An OCIO’s proactive portfolio management can enhance an advisory firm’s ability to maintain a competitive edge and potentially better serve their clients.

Prioritizing client-centric initiatives is critical to foster long-term relationships and sustain growth. Outsourcing portfolio management to OCIOs frees resources for enhanced client engagement. 

Interested in learning more about OCIO services from Symmetry Partners? Schedule a meeting today with a sales representative. We’ll establish your needs and recommend the right strategy—and then provide ongoing maintenance, support services, and marketing collateral. 

For more information, visit our OCIO site or contact Symmetry Partners.



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