10 Facebook Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisors

Facebook has quickly become the world’s most popular social media platform, with over 2.89 billion monthly active users1. As a Financial Advisor, this means there are many opportunities for you to get in front of and interact with prospective clients and current clients.

But how do you get started? How can you make the most of these opportunities? Setting your Firm up on Facebook can seem a bit overwhelming. We have put together these 10 tips to help get you up and running and on the road to success!

1. Create a business page separate from your personal profile

With so many people active on Facebook each day, why not ensure that your business shows up in front of them?

Getting your Facebook business page set up is table stakes at this point. In fact, you’ll be joining over 70 million other businesses across the world who are already active on Facebook— and that number is only increasing each year.

Creating a business page helps ensure that your personal profile isn’t the first thing prospective clients come across. It also allows you to showcase your business and your expertise and increase your search presence on google.

It’s important that your Facebook business page match the branding and messaging of your website and other web properties. Consistency is an important element of successful branding—and earning trust. Also, be sure to add a link to your website on your page so that prospects and clients can easily find it.

But you can’t just create a business page and think that means instant Facebook success for your firm. You have to show up, be present, and be active!

2. Be there or beware

While it is very important to get your business page up and running, it is equally important to interact, comment, and post valuable insights and educational content on your page. When prospects visit your business Facebook page, you want them to see the value you can provide. Conversely, if you are adding value or sharing tired, canned content…you may not be creating the best impressions about your business.

3. Get trained

Many of us use Facebook personally so we feel that we know and understand the platform. However, Facebook for businesses requires more expertise in order to be successful.

There are many ways to get trained, including through Facebook directly. Their business platform offers resources you can use to learn how to use the platform to the fullest and accomplish your goals.

You can also find other avenues, such as online courses, videos, and blogs that can help. Whatever your means of getting trained, just be sure to do it, so you don’t spin your wheels trying to get up and running!

4. Define your target audience

With so many people actively using Facebook, you have the potential to have your firm seen by millions of people. But most will not be a good fit for your business.

It’s important to know your target audience when setting up your business page and setting up paid ads on the platform.

Let’s say you’re a Financial Advisors who works exclusively with Tech Company executives over age 50. Few active users on Facebook are going to fit into this target. You can use tools when setting up your paid ads to ensure that those tech company executives are the ones seeing your ads – that you are paying to be in front of people who you actually have a chance to work with.

This can also help when curating your content on the page, and your posts. You can tailor your messaging to this audience and ensure the resources you are providing are valuable to them.

5. Content is gold

When you create a piece of content that is both educational and relevant to your target audience, you can use Facebook to get it in front of the right people at scale.

Imagine that you have created a guide to retirement planning for that same group of tech company executives. You can then create a post, boost it, or pay for an ad to get that content out to more than just your followers. You can create a Facebook Ad highlighting your content that shows to your target audience. You set the budget and the parameters in the Facebook Ad dashboard. It is a simple process that walks you through each step to getting your ad live. And it gets your content out to an even more targeted audience.

You will also want to share this content across multiple platforms to increase the likelihood that it will be seen and even seen multiple times.

6. Create a content calendar

Posting content that is both valuable and educational is important, but having a content calendar can ensure you post the topics that are most effective.

Just putting content out on your page as you create it isn’t enough. You need to ensure you are staying in front of your current followers and gaining more, all at scale. Creating and maintaining a content calendar allows you to plan your posts ahead of time and schedule multiple posts at one time, and have a plan for developing themes with your content and being timely (posting about taxes in April, for example).

Whether you use an excel spreadsheet or a social media planning software, your content calendar can be as simple or as intricate as you want or need it to be to fit your business.                                                                                                           

7. Videos help you show up differently

Videos are quickly becoming an important part of many businesses’ overall marketing strategies, including social media. According to 99 Firms, more than 4 billion video views take place on Facebook every day!

On Facebook, you can use videos for your updates, profile videos, social posts, and even in Facebook stories.

Facebook marketers have found that by using videos in their ads, they get 59.3% more clicks than when images are the only media used in ads.2

Keeping these videos timeless can help you with your content calendar. You can share them, and reshare them, over time. Timeless videos are the content that can keep on giving.

And with technology today, you can make quality videos right from your phone. If you want to dive deeper into how to use video in your marketing, check out this blog written by Symmetry’s Video Producer, Kevin Pallotti here.

8. Get personal….authentically

Just because your Facebook business page is separate from your personal page doesn’t mean you have to keep it all business.

Just keep in mind the 80/20 rule. Have 80% of your content be business and education focused. But it’s great to show a little of your company and culture to followers and prospects via 20% of your content that is personal, fun, and less directly business-focused. This can be highlighting new employees in your office, showcasing your office pet, or celebrating “National SOMETHING” day! This is just another way to engage your audience.

9. Highlight events at scale

Once you’ve decided to put on a webinar or in-person event, your challenge is filling seats.

You can create an event on Facebook to market to your connections as well as via retargeting ads to your target audience.

You can also use Facebook to promote the event in a number of creative ways. You can highlight speakers, photos from previous events, and the content that will be featured. It’s a great way to start highlighting the event early and often to generate interest.

10. Interact with current clients

It can be great to get your business in front of your target audience, but Facebook can be a great tool to stay connected with current clients as well.

You can interact by liking your client’s posts and commenting on them. You can see when a new grandchild is born and share your congratulations. And perhaps even note that in your CRM to send a card or discuss at your next meeting with the client.

You can also use Messenger to answer questions that both your current and prospective clients may have. According to the Putnam Social Advisor survey, 94% of Advisors are seeing success using direct messaging on social media platforms, such as Facebook Messenger.

If you do choose to keep the Messenger application functional on your page, you want to make sure you are consistent in replying to your messages. You don’t want people reaching out and getting no answer or a reply 2 days later. That will create a negative impression, and that’s not what you want.

Want to Learn More?

Facebook is no longer just the platform for staying in touch with family and friends. It has become a critical piece of many businesses’ marketing strategies and a great way to grow your business and brand online and find and connect with prospective clients. You can use these 10 strategies to get started. If you want to learn more, check out our quick, 30-minute webinar on Facebook for Financial Advisors on August 25 at 12pm ET here.


1 Statista.com

2 https://writersblocklive.com/blog/facebook-video-statistics/

3 Putnam Social Advisor Survey 2021


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